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Flow: Samantha Redgrave Author Event at Chicken & Frog Bookshop


Admission plus signed book £13.70, Free spaces £0


Chicken and Frog Bookshop, 30 Crown Street, Brentwood, CM144BA

Flow book cover with an orange flower design next to a photograph of a woman smiling.   SATURDAY 15TH MARCH 7PM.

Author event with Samantha Redgrave at Chicken and Frog Bookshop.

Almost every aspect of life takes the form of a cycle, whether it be the change of the seasons or the phases of the moon. Cycles both big and small affect us all, and so when we can become more aware and in tune with them - when we flow - we can achieve more ease and empowerment in everyday life. This book is your guide to uniting 4 sacred cycles: lunar, menstrual, seasonal and life.